Exploration & description/Livestock species owned

Determination of the numbers of homesteads that kept each livestock species (Question 9 in CS11Quest1) can be obtained by analysing the answers in the form of a multiple response question. We have found that Intstat handles this relatively easily.

However, the data file contains the numbers of animals for each species that were recorded in each homestead (see CS11Data1) rather than whether or not the homestead kept the species. Therefore, to produce multiple response tables, Instat requires new variables (factors) to indicate the presence (coded as 1, say) or absence (coded as 0, say) of each species in a given homestead.

In EXCEL, the filter option can be used to identify the homesteads that did not keep a given species, and hence also those that kept the species. New variables (Cattle, Sheep etc CS11Data1) can then be created indicating the presence or absence of the species.

Prior to doing this it was first important to verify that the numbers recorded for each species seemed reasonable. When the data were scanned it was noted that Homesteads 125 and 436 (see CS11HOUSEHOLD) had unusually high numbers of sheep. Hence for these homesteads the numbers of sheep have been marked as missing in CS11Data1. Similarly, homestead 370 had an unusually high number of chickens; this has also been marked as a missing value.